Powerful Manifestation Secrets is for anyone who wants to master manifestation fast and get super-charged results without wasting your money on one-trick wonder "manifestation gurus" or years

of struggling with the Law of Attraction.


Right now, get lifetime access to the course, all the bonuses and future updates for over 50% OFF!

Just $48 (Normally $98). Offer Expires Soon.

"Caring, intuitive and highly skilled practitioner who treats you holistically. Highly recommended."

- Melinda K.

"You helped me so much after no one else did. You're knowledge and care are entwined with the wonderful therapist you are."

- Jude M.

"Paul is amazing. A great therapist and a genuinely lovely person. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend his services."

- Sasha B.

Unlock The Secret To

Manifesting Your Wildest Dreams..

Revealed: How this struggling physical therapist "cracked the code" and went from a life of quiet desperation, to becoming a master manifester, living the dream in Thailand (even while the world is still reeling from the pandemic), and how you can too! It's all laid out in this 21-day Manifesting Course for only $48!

I've never really been into Lambos and mansions.. although I do like cars and beautiful sea side villas, I'm more into freedom living, off grid, travelling, going for a run or a swim in the ocean, and eating good food -- but no matter what your goals are you'll need to be vibrating at a much higher level than you currently are to achieve those goals and maintain that lifestyle...

These days people from all walks of life are learning how to get rid of their limited programming, and to quickly and easily get in alignment with their higher-self, and starting to manifest the life of their dreams.

If you want to do this like I did and many other are doing, without years of grueling and costly therapy, or watching all the latest trending "manifesting guru" reels on TikTok, wondering why their techniques are not working for you.. then Powerful Manifestation Secrets is your ticket out of the madness, and into a whole new world of freedom and joy!

What You'll Learn In This Course

Law of Attraction 101:

  • Paradigm-Shattering: The first step is a quick introduction to the Law of Attraction and the basic principles of manifestation. For some it will serve as merely a refresher, for others it may be the most paradigm shattering and inspiring information you've ever heard.. I know it was for me when I first found out we're so powerful that we are literally the creator's of our own reality!

  • Secret Knowledge: Most people who have been intentionally manifesting for a while will already know the basics of the Law of Attraction, so I just give a quick "LOA 101" crash course in the first module, including the history of manifestation, along with the latest findings in peak performance psychology, quantum physics etc. so you'll know all the ins and outs of manifestation quick smart..

  • More importantly I share all of my closely guarded secrets from many years of personal experience that will truly help you the most. Then we move right on to the juicy stuff in next sections of the course, especially when it comes to the positive mindset and instant manifesting techniques.

  • Golden Nuggets: There are plenty of resources on the Law of Attraction and manifestation programs littering the internet, much of it is just rehashed junk from "coaches" who have never successfully manifested anything in their lives, as well as misleading or contradictory information that will keep you going around in circles.. I should know! I've been through it all and have learned what works and what doesn't - now I'm giving you the "golden nuggets" so you can master the art of manifesting in the shortest time possible!

Latest Mindset/Emotional Intelligence Insights

  • Mind-Blowing Discoveries: Positive Psychology has been all the rage over the past few decades. We've come a long way in understanding the complex world of our thoughts and emotions. There's always something new and exciting coming to light about the unlimited human potential. I bet you'll be just as inspired as me when you hear some of the things I'll be sharing!

  • Your Own Manifesting Lab: As you begin to integrate these insights and put them into practice each day for 21-days - building empowering daily habits, developing a positive mindset, letting-go of baggage and skillfully regulating your emotions, you'll start effortlessly manifesting a life of beauty, freedom and inner-peace that you've longed for..

  • Unleash Your Greatness: Once you know what you're truly capable of and how to best go about unlocking your full potential, there will be nothing stopping you from achieving everything you put your mind and heart into! 

Discover The 17 Universal Success Principles

  • Gain Superpowers: Have you ever wondered how the most successful people in history managed to achieve all that they did in their lives? Well now you will know the keys to success too, and they'll be your new manifesting superpowers! So much so that others will also wonder how you oh so naturally manage to achieve all your biggest goals!

  • The Keys To Success: The laws of the Universe do not waiver depending on circumstances, and you can look at the principles of success in the same way, in that they determine the outcome of your successes. These timeless principles are derived from one of the most well respected authors with regards to becoming successful, Napoleon Hill and his book the "The 17 Universal Principles of Success & Achievement." We’ll be exploring each of these success principles in depth in daily lessons where I break them down into easily digestible chunks for you to learn and ponder..

  • Success Is Yours: Easily assimilate the very same "universal success principles" that the greatest and most successful people on earth live by, so that as you take each step, they too can become the foundation of your future success.

The Six-Step Powerful Manifestation Method!

  • Reality Bending: The Six-Step Powerful Manifestation Method (S.S.P.M.M), will radically revolutionize the way you manifest forever as you"bend reality" at your every command!

  • Ancient Technique: This simple method features an ancient Tibetan 'theta brainwave' technique, enabling you to enter a hypnotic flow state, where you become one with all of creation. As you proceed through the S.S.P.M.M while in this potent energetic state, you apply a few modern-day teachings combined with visualization and intention to send a powerful message out into the cosmos. You will feel yourself shifting timelines and the Universe will have no choice but to give you exactly what you want to manifest.

  • Manifest Miracles: Just do this 6-step process and watch the magic and miracles unfold in your life!

Cutting-Edge Limiting Belief Busting Techniques

  • Release The Chains of The Past: Do you feel like you have invisible chains holding you back from success? Well it's likely limiting beliefs that you've picked up throughout your life, and now's the time to release there grasp on you once and for all..

  • Effective Techniques: You may know in order to change the results you're experiencing, you have to delete the outdated programs hiding in your subconscious mind. Any manifestation courses worth their salt will include clearing techniques, and trust me when I say I have included the most powerful and effective ones for you in this course

    - such as advanced EFT "Hypno-Tapping!"

  • Take Control Of Your Life: No longer be controlled by the limiting beliefs that were imprinted as a child and conditioned from society.

Finally you will be the master of your fate, and the captain of your soul!

Learn To Re-Wire Your Brain

  • Become An Expert Brain Hacker: Learn how to rapidly re-wire your brain and create lasting neural changes by hacking the mind/body!

  • Mind Reconditioning Exercises: With advances in neuroplasticity knowledge, we can now essentially re-program the brain to bring you the things you want, instead of the things you don't by unleashing an artillery of mind reconditioning exercises such developing unique affirmations and putting them on steroids with the V.A.K.S. protocol, or this one underutilized tweak that turns simple, ineffective incantations into a force to be reckoned with...

    ...And too many more to mention here!

  • Fast Results: Choose one or two of these to include in your daily routine and it won't be long until you see the results in your life as you become a manifestation master!

Simple Stress-Relieving

Somatic Practices

  • Calm & Centered: If you've ever felt anxious, stressed or overwhelmed, you'll know how much it effects your ability to stay positive and manifest from a place of power. Now you will have a few simple ways to release your stress and regain a sense of inner-peace and strength.

  • Somatic Release: The body stores all your stress and it knows how to heal itself. These simple practices will help you to gently release physical tension, anxiety, overwhelm or any pent up stress. I share two practices that can be done quickly while on the go, as things arise for you, to feel calm, centered and keep you on track day-to-day..

  • However, the core somatic practice I will teach you has to be done in your private safe space, as it will help to release childhood traumas, deep-seated anxiety triggers and lingering self-worth issues to truly free you from all your painful baggage. Although it requires about 2 hours to complete the entire process, I highly recommend you do this profound practice regularly.

  • Feel Emotionally Free: You'll breathe a sigh of relief as you let go of the burdens, traumas and stresses that have been holding you back for so long allowing for much faster manifestation. You'll feel ultimate emotional freedom, resonating with love, joy, abundance and happiness!

Best Visualization & Scripting Methods

  • Master Manifesting: I've seen a basic manifestation class teaching just one ineffective scripting method being sold online for more than the cost of this entire life-changing manifesting program! Well I've included the best scripting and visualization techniques for you all in just one of the course modules!

  • So Real You Can Touch It: If you've ever tried the 55x5 or the 3-6-9 scripting methods and didn't notice a shift in your reality, then you're going to want to try out the powerful scripting methods I share with you here. Not only that, I also reveal the best manifesting visualization method, a more refined version of transurfing, quantum jumping and the famous Silva Method.. It'll feel so real you'll be able to reach out and touch it!

  • Manifest It Into Physical Reality: Your sub-conscious mind can not tell the difference between what's real and imagined, so as you practice scripting and visualization, you start to see what you vividly imagine show up in your physical reality, and with my methods you'll experience lightning fast manifesting in just minutes a day!

Powerful Goal Setting & Life Purpose Exercises

  • Have Anything You Want: If I gave you a magic wand and you could have anything you wanted, what would you conjure up?

  • Your Magic Wand: In the workbook, we have an entire section dedicated to goal setting and exploring your life purpose. By the end of it, you will be so inspired after rediscovering what truly lights you up, and having mapped out each of your short, medium and long term goals (and even turned it into a vision board), and knowing exactly what you want to have, be and do in such vivid detail - you'll be laser focused on attaining even the most outlandish goals you previously thought impossible to achieve!

  • If You Can Envision It, You Can Attain It: When you allow yourself to honor your deepest desires, your heart and mind are in alignment, and have infused them with positive emotion, nothing will stand in your way from fulfilling your destiny!

Create & Embody A New Empowering Self-Identity

  • Its Your Time To Shine: Imagine being given a blank canvas to paint a whole new world of empowerment for yourself and your future!

  • Claim The New You: The likelihood of you experiencing everything you've ever wanted comes down to what you believe is possible for you. In order for you to experience a major shift in your reality, you have to fully upgrade your Self-Identity. Here we will create this empowered vision for yourself in your mind's eye, then step into and claim the new you!

  • Experience Free-Flowing Abundance: If you truly lean into this process, it will have such a profound impact on your life in every way that you'll wonder where this abundance of happiness and prosperity has been hiding all these years...

What's Included In This Course?

Powerful Manifestation Secrets Digital Flipbook

  • Profound Insights: The 'Powerful Manifestation Secrets' ebook is a culmination of 26 years of personal development and alternative healing experience, distilled down to give you the insights you need to short-cut your learning curve so you can make a profound shift in your life and manifest everything your heart desires. 

  • Exact Techniques: This is one of the best manifest books out there and I first wrote it in 2008-10, and since updated it with the latest understandings of human potential and how to rewire yourself for success, including the exact manifestation techniques that I’ve learned from the greatest self-growth masters around the world, which have changed the lives of millions..

  • Short, Yet Impactful: Give me just a few hours and not only will you learn to manifest with the most powerful manifestation secrets, you’ll be able to apply it immediately to get what you want!

The 21-Day Manifestation Success Workbook

  • Easy To Follow Along: The companion workbook will help integrate all that you're learning, while embodying the fully empowered, magnificent, and highest version of who you truly are!  

  • Recondition Your Mind: You’ll be able to print the manifesting worksheet for each day, and complete the daily manifestation activities with ease. You will have the opportunity to integrate success principals and develop strong positive habits as part of your manifesting routine, such as evening gratitude journaling..

  • Simply follow along with the self-exploration and goal setting activities, belief busting processes and mind reconditioning exercises throughout this 21-day success workbook, and see how you soar to the heights of mastery over the Law of Attraction.

  • Transform Your Life: I don't hold anything back! There are no sneaky upsells with the"missing secret" or the"best technique" that you need to pay extra for in order to make all this work for you. I literally hand you all the tools to experience major breakthroughs and begin living your greatest life in just 21-days!

Value Packed Video Tutorials:

  • Quick & Easy Lessons: If reading is not your thing, it is too time consuming, or you find it difficult to understand abstract ideas from the written word alone, then these manifesting video tutorials will be perfect for you to quickly and easily learn and assimilate the core concepts and information I share within the book and workbook package. 

  • Convenient Online Portal: Access the video library and watch any time that is convenient for you via the course members portal - where I break down the key information, and walk through all of the transformational somatic bodywork practices, limited belief clearing and mind reprogramming techniques, along with other processes such as the 'Six-Step Powerful Manifestation Method'.

  • Progress With Confidence: You'll feel confident that you have not missed any critical information, and know exactly how to clear all of your limited programming and manifest powerfully by simply performing the exercises alongside me, and watching as many times as you need until you've got it - so there's no second guessing yourself!

Daily Empowerment Ritual

  • Raise Your Frequency: Do this each morning to raise your energy through the roof and be uplifted into vibrational alignment with your dreams to help you manifest your goals faster than ever.. Welcome to a life of EMPOWERMENT!!

  • Cornerstone To Your Success: The 'Daily Empowerment Ritual' is a 30-minute video .mp4 (audio .mp3 also included) recording that you can follow along with each day in your personal space, preferably in the morning to get you into a state of empowerment, with a quick pump-up, energy cultivation, priming breathwork, exercise, incantations, gratitude and visualization, along with intention setting for the day ahead, and finished off with your "power move" so you're fired up, ready to go and live with passion!

  • My Gift To You: Originally only included as a bonus, I thought it was so important for people to get into a powerfully aligned manifestation mindset every day, that I decided to make it an integral part of the course, as my gift to help you create amazing success in your life.

Limited-Time Bonuses (Valued @ Over $597!)

Enroll Now To Get Exclusive

Pre-Launch Bonuses!!

  • Complementary Expansion Call: Kick-off your journey with a 90 minute 1:1 strategy session, where we will sit down together virtually and map out your goals and explore your empowered future self so you can step into this inspired vision right on the call! By the end you'll be fired up ready to go with absolute clarity on your next steps! -- (SAVE $499!)

  • Member's Community - As a member of the 'Powerful Manifestation Secrets' online course, you will also have access to the Powerful Manifester's Group! This is where you can interact with other members who are on the same journey as you wanting to manifest more love and abundance in their lives, and support each other during the ups and downs. In future this may become a paid subscription, but you'll have free life-time access.

  • "5 Ways To Boost Your Self-Confidence Instantly" - which will assist you to gain higher levels of self-confidence to achieve your goals.

  • "5 Benefits of Morning Rituals" - which will give more reason for you to follow through every day with your 'Daily Empowerment Ritual'.

  • Future Discounts - Huge discounts on coaching, online courses, and future 'Somatic Awakening' Retreats..

  • Undisclosed Bonuses - If I find anything else that may serve you at this time, I will throw it in!

Meet Your Instructor

My name is Paul Jenkin and I've been immersed in alternative healing, personal and professional development for as long as I can remember. 

I started with a burning desire to change my life (I was frustrated, dead broke and endlessly going around in circles), but since then I've spent 1000's of hours learning from the best of the best in self-development, and invested 10's of thousands of $$'s attending the most transformational events on the planet, as well as courses and coaching - some of which were upwards of $10k each!

Although having gone through many challenges, by applying these methods that I have learned, I've come through the other side as a POWERFUL Manifester, with unshakable confidence, creating a life that is in alignment with my authentic self.

I now live in Thailand, and have multiple thriving international businesses that are not only truly fulfilling, they also allow me to wake up in paradise every day, and work when and where I want.

And guess what the #1 thing I've learned throughout this entire journey is...? 

👉  You don't need any fancy manifestation techniques, years of expensive therapy sessions, or to have a Doctor's degree in Metaphysics to break-free from your limitations once and for all and create profound transformation in your life...

Once you understand the fundamental laws of the Universe, the sky is the limit as far as what you can achieve. AND THAT RIGHT THERE is what inspired me to launch Powerful Manifestation Secrets and create the world's most effective online course for helping aspiring "Manifestation Masters" quickly get in alignment to attract the life of their dreams no matter where they're at or where they've come from.

But I get it, you probably don't really care about who I am and why I created this course...

Right now, all you care about is CAN I ACTUALLY HELP YOU! Well, since these are the same tried and tested methods and cutting-edge techniques that have helped me and potentially millions of others around the world over the past century to reach the heights of success, I have no doubt that if you follow the proven step-by-step process that I've laid out for you, you'll see the results for yourself too.

I've distilled over 26 years of experience within the realms of alternative healing and peak performance psychology into this course to help you to shortcut the years of trial and error that I went through, to clear the baggage that's been holding you back and to get you into a high vibrational state to effortlessly attract all that your heart desires.

You'll be amazed at how quickly your life starts to shift for the better!

For a limited-time only during this pre-launch, I am offering a complementary 'Expansion Call' with me to map out your goals.. These 1:1 strategy sessions generally go for 2-3 hours and you'll leave with absolute clarity on your next steps as well as have an inspired vision of your new empowered self-Identity that you can begin to embody immediately, becoming a magnet for positive experiences coming into your reality.

All I ask in return is for your honest feedback about the course and coaching so I can improve upon what I am offering - then with your positive results and testimonial I'll re-launch Powerful Manifestation Secrets at the full price of $98 - offering the Expansion Calls separately.

I hope you're as excited as I am for you to begin this journey, and I look forward to meeting you!

Who Is This Course NOT For?

Contrary to popular thought, manifestation is easy, we're manifesting all the time!

However much of what is being manifested we are not happy with and then we wonder why all this bad stuff is showing up, without realizing that its not how much you "intend" to get something or how hard you try..

It's who you are BE-ING that's the key.

That's where the real "work" takes place. How are you vibing?!

  • If you just want to sit on the couch and visualize or meditate all day in the hopes that what you want will just magically appear without any effort - then this is not for you!

  • If you're just going to buy this course because you are temporarily motivated to make a change, only to let it gather "digital dust" on your computer, just skip the rest of this page and go back to whatever you were doing...

  • If you aren't willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own with trial and error, its time to check the results you have already created in your life till now.. And make a better choice.

  • If you never take personal responsibility or follow through on your goals, and then "play" the blame game if things don't go your way - then I would rather you avoid joining the community!

Who Is This Course For?

However, this is for ANYONE who wants a better life for themselves and their community, willing to take a stand and do whatever it takes:

  • If you want to learn how to get the things you desire following tried and true methods, then its time to take control and commit to your new life!

  • You are serious about changing your life - not just saying you want it, but will actually follow the steps to raise your vibration and resonate at a higher frequency, to be in a state of gratitude and flow..

  • You're willing to deep dive, free your subconscious fears and limiting beliefs and clear old mental programming, negative thinking, emotional blocks and any resistance that shows up along the way...

  • So, if you are a natural go-getter, passionate (hard-working) person who understands that anything you want in life takes hard work and focus - then you will be able to use this course to become the person you need to become in order to finally attract all the good that you deserve..

    ..And much easier than ever before!

What Categories Do We Focus On?

  • ​Soulpreneurs wanting to align with their highest purpose and make a bigger impact in the world, while enjoying the fruits of your labor..

  • ​Professionals seeking more meaning and passion in their lives, and easily succeed in your career and personal endeavors..

  • ​Creatives & Healers wanting to align and connect deeper with their intuition, increase energy flow and channel it into their craft..

  • Parents wanting to become empowered and raise happy and confident children, creating an enlightened generation who will lead us with love and compassion in the future..

  • ​And so much more!

These are the secrets that will make getting what you desire simple - it's not always easy - but with my help and guidance within the course you'll shortcut the time and frustration of continuing to go it alone.

Be honest, how much time has already passed you by since when you first set out on your quest for a more abundant and happy life?

5 years? 10 years?

How much money have you missed out on potentially receiving, not to mention what you have spent in pursuit of success?

And how much have you sacrificed, all that effort, with little to show at the end of it all?

Think about all the unfulfilled promises that you've made to yourself and your loved ones...

Its time to get the guidance you need and finally achieve your dreams!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you'll have full access to this program and all the limited-time bonus materials for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own via the online members portal.

(This includes any course items or bonuses that are available for you to download to your personal computer.)

There is no start or end time for the course, and you can go through and implement everything in your own time, however to get the best results from the workbook, it has been designed as a downloadable 21 day manifestation challenge pdf to keep you motivated so you can learn manifestation, and get you manifesting faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

Please Note: The "Exclusive Pre-Launch Bonuses" which includes the 1:1 Expansion Call are only valid for the initial launch period. Once all participants have completed their allotted sessions, I will close this out and you won't be able to redeem the exclusive bonuses at a later date.

(In future these services will only be offered as paid services via our website and email newsletter.)

What skill level is this program for?

Although this information is often considered secret spiritual knowledge, this is an entry-level manifestation course, and you don't require any prior knowledge or a metaphysics degree to understand and implement this training.

I share all the insights in a simple to understand manner, and I walk through all the techniques step-by-step so you can easily follow along with me until you get the hang of it. Anyone of any skill level with an open mind and the willingness to apply it, can go through this course and improve their life.

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

In a world full of fast and free information it is common to assume you can just learn everything on YouTube.

Yes, this is often true because it is a fantastic resource, and you can find a lot of the general information that is in this course on YouTube. In fact I post (and will continue to add more) videos to help you reduce stress, clear limiting beliefs and increase your manifestation abilities on YouTube.

However there are a quite a few personal insights and advanced techniques here that you simply won't be able to learn for free online, and they'll make all the difference -- SUPERCHARGING your results.

(I have included some amazing bonuses that you definitely cannot find anywhere else, and you don't want to miss out!)

Not to mention the time you will save not having to scour the internet, as well as the confusion and frustration you will avoid trying to figure it all out yourself. Instead, I lay out everything you will need to succeed with the Law of Attraction in this course, so you can skip the years of trial and error, and get straight to the good part - living the life of your dreams!

Do I need to have any particular spiritual beliefs?

This is another common question because many people feel like they need to be some kind of healer, sleep with crystals under your pillow, or be completely woo-woo to apply mind manifesting techniques and master the Law of Attraction!

You only need to have an open mind. I say this because course about maximizing the human potential, its about the love in your heart, and taking control of your thoughts and emotions to direct them in a way that brings more positive outcomes into your life.. No matter your religious or spiritual views, you will be able to take something from this course.

Are there any considerations I should be aware of?

Yes, some of the techniques are designed to release stress and old limiting programming which may be a little overwhelming for some people if they're not familiar with dealing with their emotions or have a history of mental health issues.

If you are concerned, we recommend you consult with a health practitioner before beginning any of the techniques to get the all clear, and if anything comes up for you during the course that you are struggling with, then reach out to someone who can support you as you process your emotions.

Should I invest in Powerful Manifestation Secrets before investing in something like Hypnosis or Energy Clearing?

That depends on you...

Which do you believe would be worth more to you:

Option 1. Doing a few expensive hypnosis sessions or attending a one off workshop that may help you have a breakthrough in some area of your life, but still needing to spend months learning how to master all the other elements of powerful manifestation, such as:

Clearing subconscious blocks, cultivating your energy on a daily basis, developing a positive mindset, emotional regulation and step-by-step manifestation methods with zero direction, trying one thing to the next?

Sure you could do some hypnosis, attend an energy healing workshop, or learn some fancy "quantum" scripting method, but without consistently resonating at the right frequency for success, you'll simply end up with lack luster results and be left feeling even more helpless than you do now, thinking that there is something wrong with you.

You'll either give up entirely, believing that you're just not destined to have the life that you dream of, or get caught in a disempowering loop, feverishly looking for the next shiny manifestation technique!

Option 2. Investing just $48 today to get unlimited access to an entire "Life Transformation" course, to learn the techniques and the skills to succeed, not just for a quick win today, but to create lasting success for your the rest of your life?

Inside Powerful Manifestation Secrets I breakdown the exact techniques (including energy clearing techniques and even a mild self-hypnosis induction) that I have learned from the most renowned self-development experts in the world!

Information that has not only allowed me to completely transform my life, also millions of others' lives have been greatly improved as a result of these same teachings.

Most people would agree that having the skills long-term is more important than having a one off breakthrough..

But at the end of the day, it's your decision my friend!

Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely! Powerful Manifestation Secrets

has a 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

You have a whole week to try it out and if you are not completely SATISFIED and ENLIGHTENED by the Powerful Manifestation Secrets program, then contact us

for a full refund, no questions asked..

Plus you get to keep all the available

downloads and *limited-time only bonuses!

Learn Powerful Manifestation In Just 21 Days For $48!

This program shows you the best techniques and exactly how you can use them to release stress and negative programming, to raise your vibrational frequency, feel a greater sense of alignment with your higher-self, and more confident in your abilities as you become a "powerful manifester", so you can attract the life that you desire.

The pre-launch sale is only for a short time because I want to get this out to people who would be happy to give me some constructive feedback and some honest reviews. Then I'll go back and record extra content and polish off the course, ready for the official launch at the full price of $98 (without the exclusive pre-launch bonuses included!).

Consider this a "beta version" and I'm looking for case study participants, and in return you will receive a deep dive expansion session with me one-on-one to quickly get you moving in the right direction, to support you to get the most out of the course and on your way to achieving your goals.

We're already three-quarters the way through 2024.. How much longer are you going to put off the life you know you should be living, one of freedom, abundance, passion and joy??

Take action now, and click the button below to go to the checkout, and I hope to see you on the other side.

To your wildest dreams,

Paul Jenkin Coaching © 2024 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

By visiting this page, you agree to terms and conditions, privacy policy & disclaimer.

*Refund request within 7-days will forfeit your Exclusive Pre-Launch Bonuses (1:1 Expansion Call).

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: Any earnings figures or potential life changes stated on this landing page and discussed in the Powerful Manifestation Secrets are our personal earnings figures and positive life changes, and in some cases the earnings figures or positive life changes of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. Also, please note the 5-star reviews and testimonials displayed are 100% verifiable Google Reviews from a previous service, not related specifically to this online course. All aspects of life and personal development entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE The Powerful Manifestation Secrets Program.